Cognitive Overload Coaching

Coaching for Those Dealing with Cognitive Overload

Being overwhelmed with information can have a significant impact on an individuals ability to perform at the expected level. The Oakridge Centre's tailor-made Cognitive Overload Coaching provides a 'safe space' for you to 'download' the overload and reaccess your priorities.

Dedicated coaching sessions help you to determine your desired outcomes and clarify what outcomes have to be achieved. They provide the chance for you to define what success will look and feel like not only for the you but the impact on others and how this meets your organisations strategic objectives

Organisational Value

  • Support individuals who are facing challenges due to cognitive overload; help them to explore options and make decisions
  • Help individuals to take stock of the situation and access the impacts on them.
  • Provide individuals with the opportunity to 'dig deeper' into the causes of their cognitive overload challenges and formulate a plan to reduce their cognitive overload

Personal Value

  • Learn more about what cognitive overload actually is and how to recognise the signs that your are struggling with cognitive overload
  • A time to be able to speak honestly and openly about the impacts cognitive overload it having on you, both professionally and personally
  • Clearly define your priorities and create an action plan to reduce your cognitive overload challenges

Tools Used During The Oakridge Centre Coaching Sessions

We use a range of tools in our programmes but never in a prescriptive way. However you may expect to see one or more of the following in use:

* MBTI or EQi or Buckingham ‘Know your strengths’ for diagnostics

* Team Diagnostic Tool or Transformational Leadership Questionnaire – for 360 degree evaluation and test/re-test

* Marshall Goldsmith ‘6 Questions Top Executives should ask’, Real-World Group Leadership Cards (for investigating leadership and coaching style)