Engaging Conversations

Meaningful Conversations and how to Give and Receive Feedback with Positive Outcomes

Engagement has a direct relationship to performance in the workplace. Critical to raising levels of engagement is the quality and quantity of conversations taking place within organisations.

This bespoke programme takes a hard look at organisational engagement and in particular how managers can create a more engaging culture through the conversations they hold on a regular basis with their teams, both collectively and individually. This programme also explores and coaches on how to effectively give and receive feedback.

Organisational Value

  • Map of current levels of engagement and capability
  • Development of a clear understanding of the role of engagement in raising levels of performance
  • Employees who are able to address the conversation gap.

Personal Value

  • Explore how to boost energy levels, how to stay connected, how to focus on the things we can influence and how to approach things with a positive mindset ready to accept where you are and adapt to the situation you are faced with.
  • Ability to assess both capability and engagement of colleagues at work
  • Stronger management and leadership skills in raising levels of engagement
  • Confidence to change your organisational culture to one which engages talent effectively